Monday- 8 AM-4 PM
Tuesday- 8 AM-4 PM
Wednesday- 8 AM- 4 PM (by appointment)
Thursday- 8 AM-4 PM
Friday- Closed
New and Upcoming
The City of Moro will hold a DLCD work session before the City Council to address the future direction of the Comprehensive Plan, for work session # 2. The meeting will be held at City Hall and will begin at 5:30 and is open to the public.
-City Council meeting Tuesday,January 7, 2025 . 7 PM at City Hall
The Moro City Council will conduct a Public Hearing beginning at 7:05 PM on January 7, 2025. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to consider a request for a Conditional Use Permit to construct a structure for transportation storage and office facilities for the Sherman County Transit Agency. The application also includes a request for a Variance in Rear Yard Setback. The request also includes a proposed Replat of Lots 1-5 of Block 22 of the Moore First Addition to the City of Moro. The property is located at the corner of 1st and Hood Streets in the City. The property is Planned and Zoned Residential (R-5). The project includes a new 2,725 square feet structure to be used as a Bus Barn for the Transit Agency along with an office, restroom and mechanical room.
The Public Hearing will begin with the City Planner’s Staff Report, followed by any questions the City Council may have. Then the Applicant will be requested to speak to describe the need or purpose of the proposed structure. After the Applicant’s presentation, any other person in favor of the proposed structure may speak to the Council once recognized by the Mayor. The City Council may ask questions from anyone offering testimony. After the Proponents of the proposal have finished, those not in favor or in opposition of the proposal may speak to the Council as well. Again, the City Council may ask questions from those speaking in opposition to the proposal. Next, any Public Agencies will be asked to speak regarding this application. When finished, the Public Testimony Portion of the Public Hearing will be closed, and the Council may begin Deliberations and may reach a decision on the matter at this time. The Sections of the Moro Zoning Ordinance which are applicable to this application are: Section 3.1.B – Lists the allowable Conditional Uses in the Residential R-5 Zone: Section 5.1 – Provides the process and criteria for approving a Conditional Use Permit for development in the R-5 Zone. The Variance Criteria and procedures are shown in Section 6.1 of the Moro Zoning Ordinance. Replating requirements are governed by the City’s Subdivision Ordinance Sections 6 through 11.
Failure to raise an issue or provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision makers the opportunity to respond to that issue precludes an appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) based on that issue. Copies of the Application and all documents and evidence relied upon by the applicant and applicable criteria are available for inspection at no cost and will be provided at reasonable cost. If a Staff Report is provided, it shall be available for inspection at no cost at least 7 days prior to the hearing and will be provided at a reasonable cost if requested. Testimony may be submitted in writing to City Hall prior to 3pm January 7, 2025. To give oral testimony, one must testify for either the proponents’ or opponents’ case or may just ask general questions once recognized by the Mayor. If there are any questions, please contact Brittany Wood, City Administrator at 541 565 3535. All interested parties are urged to attend.
Public Notice-
Posted 12/9/2024
The DLCD work session originally scheduled for 6:30 PM on December 11th at the Extension Office has been postponed. A new date for the session will be provided in the January Monthly Agenda, which will be included with your Water/Sewer Bill.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support. We look forward to the next in-person meeting.
The public hearing, for Sherman Transit's Bus Barn, scheduled for 12/03/2024, has been rescheduled for 01/07/2025
The City of Moro inventoried all water service lines in the system and determined there were no lead service lines. This determination was made using maintenance records. Please contact City Staff at 541-565-3535 if you have any questions.
- The 2024 Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) is available for viewing. It can be located under the Local Government Tab. Scroll down to 'Other Documents' A Copy Can be viewed at 104 1st Street during business Hours.
Send us a message with any questions or concerns, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Moro City Hall-
104 First Street
Po Box 231 Moro, OR 97039
Office- (541) 565-3535
Maintenance Building/ Public Works-
101 Dewey Street
Shop- (541) 565-0503
After-Hours Emergency-
John English (541) 340-9651
104 First Street, Moro, Oregon 97039, United States
The City of Moro offers remote attendance and participation in all meetings. To join, use our remote access link:
Dial-in: (US) +1 914-510-2430 PIN: 879 425 969#
Agendas and Minutes from City Council Meetings & select Ordinances are available on the Local Government Page, or by Clicking Here
The City of Moro is located in the high-rolling plateau area of Sherman County, twenty miles south of the Columbia River and at an elevation of 1,799 feet. It is one of the larger small cities along U.S. Highway 97. Moro sits as the County Seat since the separation of Sherman from Wasco County in 1889.
Moro is primarily a residential community with a current population estimate of 396.
The Dalles is 42 miles distant and the nearest metropolitan areas are Portland to the west, Redmond/Bend area to the south and Pendleton to the east.
Because of the City's natural setting between the Deschutes and John Day Rivers and the rural atmosphere, people from more urban areas are now being attracted to Moro for retirement and recreational home sites.
With its store, restaurant, motel facilities, and agricultural-related business Moro is able to function as an agricultural service center, supplying residents and tourists with goods and services.
The City of Moro has been awarded $250,000.00 in grant funding from ODOT's Small City Allotment Program. These grant funds do not require matching fund contributions.
The proposed project aims to replace 1,425 linear feet of targeted sidewalks in the Residential zoned area of Moro's City Limits. This grant application was developed using a sidewalk inventory, designed by The City of Moro, Department of Public Works. The sidewalk inventory was used to identify hazardous sidewalk conditions that posed the greatest risk of tripping hazard and then considered the number of residential homes that would benefit from such improvements.
The City of Moro was one of 23 candidates selected out of the 69 applicants who applied for project funding. Requested funds totaled over $16.3 million and only $5.7 million in grant funds were awarded.
-Brittany Wood, City Administrator, City of Moro